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Teething Puppies: Tips & Tricks

Navigating the teething phase with your puppy can present challenges for you and your furry companion. In this article, our team of veterinarians in Louisa offers valuable tips to alleviate your puppy's tooth pain and facilitate a smoother teething experience.

Puppy Teething

Dealing with puppy teething might be an ongoing challenge, especially when your furry friend seems to gnaw on anything within reach. It's crucial to understand that their chewing behavior isn't rooted in misbehavior but is instead a way for them to alleviate the discomfort and pain associated with the growth of their adult teeth.

Your pup might find solace in chewing on items like your shoes, furniture, and other belongings, as it relieves their mouth during this teething phase.

Teething Timeline for Puppies

Breeds may exhibit some variation, but generally, puppies emerge from their initial set of teeth around 5 to 6 weeks of age. By approximately 16 weeks, your puppy will commence shedding their needle-sharp baby teeth, making way for the emergence of adult teeth.

Around the age of 6 to 7 months, your canine companion should boast a complete set of 42 adult teeth, concluding the teething phase. This period, spanning 4 to 5 months, can pose a considerable challenge for pet parents. Seeking relief from the discomfort, puppies often chew on various objects, including furniture legs, pricey footwear, or even your fingers and toes, owing to their diminutive size.

To ease your furry friend's distress and safeguard your valuable possessions during this intense teething period, our veterinary team at Tri-County Animal Clinic recommends the following strategies.

Managing Your Puppy's Pain While They're Teething

Edible Teething Sticks for Puppies

Numerous well-established dog food brands provide palatable teething treats and bones designed to alleviate your puppy's mouth discomfort. Your veterinarian might suggest a particular option tailored to your small dog, or you can visit a nearby pet store to explore a variety of flavors and sizes. Ensure you select a suitably sized treat for your puppy to ensure they derive the maximum benefit from the experience.

Store Teething Toys in the Freezer

Similar to teething infants, puppies frequently discover relief from teething discomfort by chewing on cold or frozen items. While numerous pet stores offer teething-specific toys, virtually any dog toy can be frozen to alleviate your pup's teething pain. Excellent options include Kongs, rubber bones, and soft toys designed for dogs.

Offer Your Pup Extra Durable Chew Toys

Tailored for small, medium, and large breeds, specialized puppy teething bones from brands like Nylabone are aptly sized. Infused with enticing flavors, these bones serve as a delectable diversion, steering your puppy away from your prized possessions towards a flavorful, chewy delight. This dual-purpose approach not only promotes healthy chewing habits but also provides relief from teething discomfort simultaneously.

Frozen Foods for Puppies to Chew

Numerous puppies relish delightful treats like frozen bagels, chilled carrots, or other nutritious vegetables. Before introducing frozen food to your pup, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian to confirm that it is a suitable choice for your furry friend.

Preventing Your Puppy From Biting

Nipping and biting are inherent in puppy play. When one puppy bites another too forcefully, the injured pup typically emits a high-pitched yelp.

If your young pup is exhibiting nipping and biting behavior towards you, it's crucial to curb this conduct early on. A successful method involves emulating the yelp of an injured puppy when your furry companion bites you. Uttering a sharp 'OW' in a high-pitched tone will likely startle your puppy, prompting them to retreat. Once your puppy ceases biting and withdraws, be sure to reward them for exhibiting good behavior.

Should this tactic intensify your puppy's nipping, calmly discontinue playtime and either walk away or gently place your pup in their crate for some quiet time.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet to accurately diagnose your pet's condition.

Has your puppy begun teething? Contact our Louisa vets who can examine your pup's teeth and advise you on how to help them manage their pain.

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